Hire Solution online

Direct Hire Recruiting Services

Skip the hours and hours spent posting jobs and searching endlessly through thousands and thousands of resumes only to find many applicants to be unqualified. Instead, let us do all the hard work for you so you can spend your time actually running your business!

How to use this service:

  1. Simply reach out to us either by phone or submit your job information using our contact us page on our website and describe the job positions you need to fill as well as attach a job description.
  2. Once we receive your inquiry, we will contact you to get more information and go over the details.
  3. We would then send you the resumes of several qualified, pre-screened candidates whose skills closely match your needs.
  4. Lastly, interview these candidates and hire the best match.

Direct Hire through Hire Solutions Online is time & money saving that allows you more time to focus on running your business rather than wasting time searching through endless applicants looking for the perfect candidate.

Reasons why direct hire is a good idea:

Having our agency handle your direct hire recruiting also provides numerous benefits over the process of hiring employees yourself:

  • You have access to a vast network of pre-screened, pre-qualified candidates ready to be submitted to you.
  • By utilizing this service, it can greatly reduce your money spent searching on your own.
  • We provide quality candidates whose skills closely match your job requirements.
  • We greatly reduce time spent searching for candidates and reviewing resumes.
  • We help fill open positions faster.
  • Very modest placement fees.